為滿足世界范圍內更加多樣化、復合型和系統性的水環境治理需求,博天環境的服務內容遍及水環境治理的各個環節,為客戶提供完備的水環境整體解決方案。在此基礎上,充分發揮“天元大中華”五大業務板塊的協同效應,企業成功打造了涵蓋技術開發、咨詢設計、核心設備制造、系統集成、項目管理、投資運營等在內的“一站式”服務采購平臺。致力于提供更好的工業水處理和城市水環境解決方案,博天環境是工業水“三高(3H)”問題的解決專家,能夠有效破解工業水處理中技術難度高(High Technology)、工程造價高(High Investment)和運行成本高(High Cost)的行業難題,形成了行業領先的技術優勢。
Poten Enviro (Poten) on Indo Water Expo&Forum 2014 is a leading water solution provider in China. Dedicated to providing integrated solution in all processes of water treatment, we effectively coordinate five major businesses covering technological development, design consulting, core equipment manufacturing, system integration, project management and investment operation. As a solution expert to the “3-High”(high technology input, high investment and high cost) problem in treatment of industrial water, Poten has formed the leading technological superiority in China.
The full-range and high-quality service has won Poten high recognition from clients in a variety of industries, including coal chemical industry, petrochemical, urban water environment, ferrous metallurgy, electronics, power, paper-making, food, pharmaceutical, textile dyeing and the dairy industry. Nowadays, Poten has accumulated a large number of high-end clients, and become a creator of many exemplary projects at national and international levels, which provides rich experiences to the oversea business.
Address:Jl. Walikota Mustajab Ketabang Genteng
Surabaya Jawa Timur, Indonesia.